The 20th Junior Skeet and Clays team was founded in 2014 and competes in the Scholastic Clay Target Program (SCTP) with other local junior, high school and collegiate shooting teams. The team is comprised of 10-20 athletes, aged 8-22 years old (4th grade – college senior).
All coaches are NRA certified shotgun instructors and hold a certificate in the Double Goal Coach Program. Coaches of this program train safety first and fun second; we pride ourselves in knowing that our athletes are the safest shooters at any range!
The 20th Junior Skeet & Clays team runs from early March through August. Athletes will practice and compete in Trap, Skeet, and Sporting Clays; practices are held on Wednesdays at 5:00 pm and Sundays at 4:00 pm at 20th Skeet & Clays.
As a team and as individuals, the 20th Junior Skeet & Clays team competes at the following events:
North Leominster Rod and Gun Club Trap opener
Minuteman Sportsman’s Club Spring Sporting Clays
20th Skeet and Clays May Sporting Clays
North Leominster Rod and Gun Club Skeet Championship
Massachusetts State Trap Shoot
New Hampshire State Trap Shoot
Maine State Trap Shoot
New England Championship- 50 Trap/50 Sporting Clays
Peace Dale Shooting Preserve Fall Sporting Clays
National Championships, Ohio- 200 Sporting Clays/200Trap/200 Skeet
The mission of the team’s coaches is to produce respectful young adults who are confident and well-mannered at the range, in school and beyond.
If you would like more information on joining the 20th Junior Skeet & Clays team, please reach out to 20th Coach, Nate Gilbert at
The 20th Junior Skeet & Clays team would like to extend thanks to their sponsors!
Kittery Trading Post
Millennium Precision
Stoneface Brewery
Gun Owners of New Hampshire
Cross Insurance